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This event goes beyond analysing the problems to setting out what needs to happen now to clean up our nation’s rivers lakes and seas. Our testing of water quality at Ilkley is showing more than bacteria, we are finding chemicals and other harmful materials in the untreated sewage going into our river from storm overflows.

This event is for those that care about the health and future of our rivers, from local people to campaigners, national lobby organisations, regulators, water service providers and policy makers who want to secure rivers, lakes and seas fit for people and wildlife. We aim to keep pollution for profit firmly in the spotlight post the election, providing participants with the opportunity to find out how the country can address the state of our rivers, lakes and seas.

The hosts, Ilkley Clean River Group, are the first campaign group nationally to secure local infrastructure to radically reduce water company sewage pollution, by holding regulators, water companies and politicians to account using data, public outrage, policy, and the media. They provide seminars and support to campaign groups across the country, partnering with national organisations and philanthropic funders.

During the day you can find out and contribute to:

  1. What really causes river pollution, and how this differs across the country
  2. What is legal and illegal and how to hold water companies, regulators and policy makers to account
  3. The infrastructure solutions that will ensure sewage is not polluting our rivers and seas
  4. What local people, national organisations and government can do to ensure our rivers are returned to good health fit for people and wildlife

A free event hosted by Ilkley Clean River Group

VENUE: Christchurch, The Grove, Ilkley

Register HERE

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